To ensure your questions are answered before having to contact us for any information please see the information below. You questions may well be answered here.

Do we pay for the machines?
NO! That’s the beauty of our service. You actually earn commission on the relationship. Its a no worries setup and you benefit in more ways than one.

Do we pay for maintenance?
NO. Our service team are available 7 days a week for call outs should a machine not be working. Just call us and we will be there within 2 hours!

Can I select what I want to have in my machines?
Of course you can. That’s the beauty of the system we have. Just link to our product orders and we will deliver and restock the items.

Do you supply all areas of Sydney?
We endeavor to supply all regions of Sydney, however if we are unable to supply machines or services to a specific area due to its location, we will notify you.

How often are machines filled?
We track the volumes of each machine to ascertain their required filling schedule. From these indicators, we then schedule specific days on which to refill your machines. This ensure you are never out of stock nor inconvenienced at any stage.

I am having a function and my machine is nearly empty. What do I do?
Call us immediately! Many of our businesses we supply often have functions that require the machine to be full at the time of the function. We will schedule to fill them prior to this function. Please however give us at least 24 hours to ensure that we manage the process effectively. If the function is an instinctual one (and we know this happens) drop us a line and we will see if we are able to schedule the fill prior to the function.

Something seems to be wrong with the machine? What do I do?
Call us straight away. It’s in both our interests to ensure no client is affected by this. If we can come straight through to sort the problem out, we will do, otherwise we will schedule an appropriate time to fix the machine.

Can I have more than one machine?
Yes you can. We have a number of companies with as many as 6 machines on board. You are able to select the machine type you want and we can position it where you need it most.

I have a new area I want to put a machine into. What are the sizes of the machines? Do they have specifications?
This is a common question. All the information you are looking for is in this link

Do I need to have a contract with Activend?
We invest a huge amount of capital into each machine. As a result all we ask from you is that we enter a relationship that will allows us time to recoup this and run a successful business. All of our clientele are on contracts so it’s nothing new. You can view our contracts here.